Yoga Pose Universe

Yoga Pose Universe

Master your favourite yoga poses by copying Jaime and following our individual pose demonstration videos!

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Yoga Pose Universe
  • Lion Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Lion Pose is brilliant for releasing stress - and helping you feel great!

  • Dragonfly Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    From Aeroplane Pose to Tree Pose and Bear Walks to Crescent Moon, have fun doing yoga poses with Jaime and finding out their benefits!

  • Mouse Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    From Aeroplane Pose to Tree Pose and Bear Walks to Crescent Moon, have fun doing yoga poses with Jaime and finding out their benefits!

  • Deer Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Marichyasana variation in adult yoga.
    Part of our Yoga Pose Universe series
    Download the poster for this series here:

  • Bear Walks | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Another fun kids yoga pose from the Cosmic Kids Yoga Pose Universe! Bear Walks helps you release your lower back - so if you've been sitting down a lot it's brilliant!

  • Tree Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Tree Pose is great for stretching our sides and practising our balance - as well as strengthening our back and legs.

  • Surfer Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Surfer Pose is great for opening your chest, shoulders and hips and for making you feel supercharged for your day!

  • Star Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Star Pose makes you feel BIG and gives a good stretch to your whole back and body. It's lovely to think about someone who needs your sparkle when you do Star Pose. ✨Who will send your sparkle to? ✨

  • Camel Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Camel Pose is really good for opening the whole front of the body, strengthening the back and the legs - and it actually helps to blow raspberries while we do it because it helps to release tension! So have fun and blow some raspberries while you do Camel Pose!

  • Aeroplane Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Aeroplane pose (modifed Side Plank or Vasisthasana) is a great pose for strengthening the arms and core - and it's a wonderful way to start the day.

  • Door Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    This pose is Parighasana or Gate Pose in adult yoga.
    Download the poster for this series here!:

  • Giraffe Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    This is a brilliant way of strengthening the legs and stretching the hamstrings. (Parsvottanasana in adult yoga.)
    Yoga Pose Universe is a fun series visiting all the kids yoga poses.
    Download our special poster here:

  • House Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    House Pose is a brilliant way of strengthening the legs and sides and stretching out the spine. Urdhva Hastasana (wide leg variation) in adult yoga.
    Yoga Pose Universe is a fun series visiting all the kids yoga poses.
    Download our special poster here:

  • Lizard Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Lizard Pose loosens the back of the legs and opens the hips! Breathe into it and you can really relax and enjoy the feeling. Remember to do it on both sides! This one's also known as Lizard Pose in adult yoga, or Utthan Pristhasana.
    Yoga Pose Universe is a fun series visiting all the kids yoga p...

  • Turtle Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Known as Kurmasana in adult yoga, this is a lovely way to open the hips and relax the mind. Great before bed!

  • Crab Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Crab Pose is great fun - and it really helps you make your core strong. It also helps with the mobility and strength of your wrists and ankles. It's simply a great way to get around - and play football!

  • Hero Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Hero Pose is a wonderful strong position. Remember to make sure your toes are pointing back when you do this one!

  • Bicycle Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Bicycle pose is great fun - and it strengthens your legs, your core and your sides - known as your Obliques!

  • Hot Air Balloon Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Hot Air Balloon pose is brilliant for bringing a little calmness to your day - and it helps clear your mind too!

  • Dancer Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Try Dancer Pose - a special challenge for learning how to balance, this pose is great for opening up the fronts of the chest and strengthening the legs and ankles. Don't worry if you wobble or fall over - it's all part of the fun! Top tip - try to focus your gaze on one point in front of you!

  • Butterfly Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Butterfly Pose is very good for opening out hips and strengthening our inner thighs - also good for jiggling our insides around a little bit which is always a good thing!
    Can you lift up both wings together? See if you can!

  • Mermaid Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Another fun kids yoga pose from the amazing Yoga Pose Universe.
    Mermaid Pose is great for twisting your spin and it really helps your insides feel good. And - it means you can practice your French too!

  • Flamingo Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    This kids yoga pose is great for stretching your quads (the front part of your thigh) and for testing your balance. You can hop up and down if you like!

  • Horse Pose | Yoga Pose Universe!

    Horse Pose is very good for strengthening the core, the legs and the shoulders and also for stretching our hips and our thighs.