The Little Mermaid | Yoga Adventure!
Under the Sea
Meet Ariel, Sebastian, Flounder and Ursula in this Kids Yoga Adventure based on the original fairy tale of The Little Mermaid!
Up Next in Under the Sea
Underwater Party | Super Yoga
A fast-paced yoga-based workout for kids. Get the wiggles out and build your knowledge of all the kids yoga poses - for home, the classroom and parties!
* A fun challenge for memory, coordination and information processing.* -
Popcorn and the Pirates | Yoga Advent...
A fun kids yoga adventure about making the most of whatever treasure we find in our life. We meet Popcorn the Dolphin again - and she reminds us to 'Stay Calm, Keep Breathing and Think Positive!'
Popcorn the Dolphin | Yoga Adventure!
A kids yoga story all about staying calm, keeping breathing and thinking positive!
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About Yoga Quest:
In this exciting yoga journey, Jaime guides young yogis through 20 of her favourite yoga adventures, across 5 different lands. You'll even be able to print out our fun...