Underwater Party | Super Yoga
Under the Sea
4m 58s
A fast-paced yoga-based workout for kids. Get the wiggles out and build your knowledge of all the kids yoga poses - for home, the classroom and parties!
* A fun challenge for memory, coordination and information processing.*
Up Next in Under the Sea
Popcorn and the Pirates | Yoga Advent...
A fun kids yoga adventure about making the most of whatever treasure we find in our life. We meet Popcorn the Dolphin again - and she reminds us to 'Stay Calm, Keep Breathing and Think Positive!'
Popcorn the Dolphin | Yoga Adventure!
A kids yoga story all about staying calm, keeping breathing and thinking positive!
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About Yoga Quest:
In this exciting yoga journey, Jaime guides young yogis through 20 of her favourite yoga adventures, across 5 different lands. You'll even be able to print out our fun...
Mimi the Mermaid | Yoga Adventure!
A yoga adventure for kids aged 3+ about perseverance and facing your fears.