Parsnip the Cat | Yoga Adventure!
Focus & Concentration
A kids yoga story about concentration!
Yoga for kids aged 3+
Up Next in Focus & Concentration
Red Nose Island | Yoga Adventure!
Join Jaime on a fun yoga journey around ‘Red Nose Island’ for Red Nose Day, incorporating a number of yoga moves to get bodies moving and introducing FOFBOCNOF (a classic mindfulness acronym, FOF BOC, which stands for Feet On Floor, Bum On Chair, with a Red Nose Day makeover adding a bit of Nose ...
Spot the Spider | Yoga Adventure!
This yoga adventure originated from a collaborative Instagram Live story building workshop with Cosmic Kids fans. Together with Jaime and Martin, kids and parents from around the world brainstormed the characters, names, issues and solutions to come up with this one of a kind, brilliant original ...
Popcorn and the Pirates | Yoga Advent...
A fun kids yoga adventure about making the most of whatever treasure we find in our life. We meet Popcorn the Dolphin again - and she reminds us to 'Stay Calm, Keep Breathing and Think Positive!'