Yoga Club! - Season 1

Yoga Club! - Season 1

12 Seasons

Want to make yoga a habit? Then why join in our Yoga Club! Each episode runs weekly with many episodes themed around seasonal events. Find your starting point and join the fun!

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Yoga Club! - Season 1
  • Back To School Kids Yoga! - YOGA CLUB!

    Episode 1

    Whether you're getting ready to go back to school or staying where you are and learning from home, this week's Yoga Club will get you smiling for the next school year!

    This week I've put together some of my all-time favourite videos! I'll get you up and moving with our disco yoga routine to 'Hi...

  • Making Magic Happen! - YOGA CLUB!

    Episode 2

    Welcome back to Yoga Club! This week we’ve made yoga even more magical and you’ll feel ready to cast a spell of your own after stretching out and winding down.

    We can’t wait to bring a bit of wizardry to your day with our spooky Super Yoga and a Brain Break that features a focus potion - so let...

  • Reach For The Stars! - YOGA CLUB!

    Episode 3

    In this week’s Yoga Club we’re reaching for the stars and reminding ourselves that nothing is impossible!

    We’ll be joining Arnold the Ant on a Yoga Adventure about having big dreams, and we’ll also shine proudly in our crescent moon and star poses!

    We love hearing what you're enjoying and wha...

  • Delicious Yummy Food! - YOGA CLUB!

    Episode 4

    Yoga and food are two of our favourite things so we’ve popped them together in one seriously yummy Yoga Club!

    This week’s club features a Yoga Adventure with the very hungry caterpillar, and a tasty stretch out in sandwich pose! So what are you waiting for? Let’s get ready to awaken our senses!