Sleep Well
6 Seasons
Some of our most calming bedtime content for kids including guided relaxations, yoga and mindfulness.
Find your perfect bedtime routine right here.
04:46Episode 1
The Robin King (Namastories)
Episode 1
Namastories are our series of rhyming fables.
The words of the poem are shown in subtitles as Jaime says them as an aid to literacy.
In this story, we meet the Robin King - and he learns that sharing is important!
Illustrations by Nick Hilditch -
03:11Episode 2
Betsy the Banana (Namastories)
Episode 2
Betsy the Banana gets three wishes - and the one that makes her happiest includes her family.
Namastories are fables from Cosmic Kids. Fun stories in verse with a moral lesson.
Drawings by Nick Hilditch -
02:29Episode 3
Arnold the Ant (Namastories)
Episode 3
Arnold the Ant's dream comes true.
Namastories are fables from Cosmic Kids.
Jaime tells fun rhyming stories with a gentle moral. Great for bedtime stories.
Drawings by Nick Hilditch -
06:03Episode 4
Alan the Camel (Namatories)
Episode 4
Alan the Camel is a story about a really honest camel who blows raspberries.
Namastories are fables from Cosmic Kids. Jaime tells fun rhyming stories with a gentle moral - and subtitles to encourage reading. Great for bedtime stories.
Drawings by Nick Hilditch