Circus Stars! | Super Yoga
5m 44s
Join the circus and score some magic yoga points with 5 minutes of circus game-style yoga! This is Cosmic Kids SUPER YOGA - The Circus Spectacular! With special circus yoga poses for you to copy and learn. Watch out for the rollercoaster ride in the middle! Keep your balance!
Super Yoga videos are 5-minute fast-paced yoga-based workouts for kids. They get the wiggles out and help build knowledge of all the kids' yoga poses.
Up Next in Animals
Popcorn the Dolphin | Yoga Adventure!
A kids yoga story all about staying calm, keeping breathing and thinking positive!
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About Yoga Quest:
In this exciting yoga journey, Jaime guides young yogis through 20 of her favourite yoga adventures, across 5 different lands. You'll even be able to print out our fun...
The Three Little Pigs | Yoga Adventure!
Jaime tells the story of The Three Little Pigs in yoga poses. We meet the three pigs and they each build a house they think will be strong enough. The Big Bad Wolf can't knock down George Pork's brick house, so the 3 little pigs and The Wolf decide to be friends and live happily ever after - but ...
We're going on a Bear Hunt | Yoga Adv...
A Cosmic Kids yoga adventure based on the lovely story by Michael Rosen, We're Going on a Bear Hunt. Join Jaime as we try to catch a big one. We can't go over it...we can't go under it!